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您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 溫度系列產(chǎn)品 > 美國Digi-Sense > 美國DigiSense TC6000溫控儀 控溫儀
美國DigiSense TC6000溫控儀 控溫儀

美國DigiSense TC6000溫控儀 控溫儀

美國DigiSense TC6000溫控儀 控溫儀 進(jìn)口digi-sense溫度控制器





美國DigiSense TC6000溫控儀 控溫儀 進(jìn)口digi-sense溫度控制器

這些控制器設計用于在預定的溫度過(guò)程中控制多個(gè)步驟,并具有現代控制技術(shù),從而產(chǎn)生更大的溫度穩定性。該控件的Ramp /浸泡特性允許從提供的軟件中配置40步配置文件。您可以對溫度、時(shí)間、持有、浸泡和結束步驟進(jìn)行配置,從而為您的流程創(chuàng )建理想的配置文件。自動(dòng)調優(yōu)zui小化setpoint overshoot,并具有學(xué)習生成更大穩定性的過(guò)程的能力。自適應控制技術(shù)的建立為這些苛刻的應用程序提供了更嚴格的控制。該控制器還具有一個(gè)可聽(tīng)的報警功能、溫度選擇和一個(gè)面板安裝的接受三叉插頭的插座。從型號J,K,或T熱電偶和miniconnectors,或100歐姆鉑RTD探針中選擇。這個(gè)單元配有格架支撐架,這是安裝空間zui大化的理想。

美國DigiSense TC6000溫控儀 控溫儀 進(jìn)口digi-sense溫度控制器

If your process requires several steps, this is the controller for you.

  • Models available for type J, K, or T thermocouples or RTD probes
  • Software allows for data point collection and custom designed interface
  • Program up to a 40-step profile

These controllers are designed for controlling multiple steps in a predetermined temperature processes, and features modern control technology that produces greater temperature stability. The Ramp/Soak feature of this control allows up to a 40-step profile, which can be configured from the provided software. You can profile temperature, time, hold, soak and end steps to create the ideal profile for your process. Auto-tune minimizes setpoint overshoot and features the ability to learn your process producing greater stability. The built in adaptive control technology provides even tighter control for these demanding applications. The controller also features an audible alarm function, temperature selectable and one panel mounted receptacle that accept a three-prong plug. Select from models for types J, K, or T thermocouples with miniconnectors, or 100 ohm platinum RTD probes. This unit comes with a lattice support bracket, which is ideal for mounting to maximize space.



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