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您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 玻璃器皿系列產(chǎn)品 > PYREX > 7065/7070美國PYREX吸管Class * 玻璃移液管
美國PYREX吸管Class * 玻璃移液管

美國PYREX吸管Class * 玻璃移液管

美國PYREX吸管Class * 玻璃移液管





美國PYREX吸管Class * 玻璃移液管


根據ASTM e - 542和ASTM e - 1293對*公差進(jìn)行的測量、顏色編碼。每個(gè)pipet都是單獨的序列化,并提供了身份證明和容量證明,可追溯至NIST標準。校準“交付”它們的總容量而不吹氣。按大小按顏色編碼,便于識別。彩色的畢業(yè)典禮被涂在玻璃上。5到25 mL的頂部是收縮的(Mohr類(lèi)型)。


美國PYREX吸管Class * 玻璃移液管

7065 PYREX Brand, Reusable Glass, Measuring, Color-Coded, with Colored Markings
These pipets are color-coded by size for easy identification and sorting. Colored graduations are enameled onto the glass. The top end of 5 to 25 mL sizes is constricted (Mohr type). They are calibrated “to deliver” their total capacity without blow-out.

7070 PYREX® Brand, Reusable Glass, Serialized/Certified, Class A, Colored Markings,
Measuring, Color-Coded Calibrated to Class A tolerances in accordance with ASTM E-542, and ASTM E-1293. Each pipet is individually serialized and supplied with a Certificate of Identification and Capacity, traceable to NIST standards. Calibrated “to deliver” their total capacity without blow-out. Color-coded by size for easy identification. Colored graduations are enameled onto the glass. The top end of 5 to 25 mL sizes is constricted (Mohr type).

美國PYREX吸管Class A 進(jìn)口PYREX玻璃移液管*


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