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您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 溫度系列產(chǎn)品 > 美國Glas-Col > 104A PT624美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器 104A PC524
美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器 104A PC524

美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器 104A PC524

104A PT624美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器 104A PC524
temperature control





104A PT624美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器 104A PC524 

glas - col的限制控制為實(shí)驗室加熱過(guò)程提供了安全備份。當在主電源或溫度控制和電源之間安裝時(shí),限制允許溫度過(guò)高。操作者簡(jiǎn)單地將限值設置為該過(guò)程的zui高溫度。如果主電源控制失效,或由于任何原因超過(guò)了工藝溫度,限制器將會(huì )終止對主控制的功率,從而降低因過(guò)熱而損壞樣品、昂貴設備和玻璃器皿的機會(huì )。

104A PT624美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器 104A PC524 


Glas-Col’s LimiTrol limiting control provides a safety backup for laboratory heating processes. When installed between the primary power or temperature control and the power source, the LimiTrol allows for over-temperature limiting. The operator simply sets the LimiTrol to the maximum temperature for the process. Should the primary power control fail, or the process temperature be exceeded for any reason, the LimiTrol will terminate power to the primary control, thus reducing the chance of damage to samples, expensive equipment, and glassware due to overheating. The unit features a manual reset, which means power will remain off until the operator restores the system. The set-point dial is calibrated in 20° C increments, and the load and thermocouple receptacles are located on the back panel for easy access. Furnished with a type J immersion thermocouple with 6"-long stainless steel probe.

104A PT624 


Electrical: Lighted on/off power switch with auxiliary LED indication, fuse protection,3-wire load receptacle, 3-wire line cord with molded plug Set Point Accuracy: ± 3% of span maximum.

Lab Bench Case: 8"w x 6"d x 3-3/8"h.


The Glas-Col Digital Timer is a micro controller-based countdown interval timer with digital display. For use with mantles,heating tapes, ovens, and other resistive loads up to 10 amps. Also can be used with stirrers, vortexers, shakers, and other motor-driven laboratory equipment up to 10 amps load capacity.Four timing ranges may be selected from the front panel. At the completion of the timing cycle, a solid-state alarm will sound for 5 seconds. The power to the load receptacle is terminated at the end of the timing cycle. The timer will then reset to the preset starting time. The timing cycle may be interrupted by pushing the start/stop button.Timing will resume from the stopping point when timing cycle is restarted.


Electrical: Lighted on/off switch, circuit breaker protection, 3-wire grounded receptacle, and 3-wire line cord with molded plug.

Timing Ranges:

000.1 - 999.9 seconds

00:01 - 59:59 minutes : seconds

0001 - 9999 seconds

00:01 - 23:59 hours : minutes

Display: 4-digit, 1/2" LED.

Momentary Buttons: Two for time setting;one for start/stop.

Audible Indicator: Solid state alarm sounds for 5 seconds at the end of the timing cycle.

Lab Bench Case: Low-profile cabinet,8"w x 6"d x 3-3/8"h.

104A PT624美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器104A PC524 

104A PT624美國Glas-Col溫度控制器、數字計時(shí)器104A PC524 



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